Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Natural Beauty in Cox's Bazar: Sea Beach

Cox's Bazar Sea Beach: World's Longest Sea Beach

In addition to the long sea-beach with its silvery waves breaking at the foot of hills and sea-bathing, the attractions of Cox's Bazar include a drive along the beach, the view of the sun setting on the rolling sea-waves, the moonlit night, and the exciting interior of the bazar and its people.

Laboni Beach:

Laboni beach is considered as the main beach area of Cox’s Bazar as is at the central location and close to town. The beach is always crowded by tourists. Visitors can sunbathe, surf, jog, cycle, and swim. It is best for swimming and relaxation. Numerous souvenir shops around the area can attract tourist to purchase the souvenirs, beach accessories and some other stuffs.

Inani Beach:

Inani beach is famous for its golden sand. The beautiful beach attracts most of the tourist who appreciate warmly the wonders of nature. Tourists like to come here for relaxing as it is free from the crowd of visitors who are typically seen at the Laboni beach. The beach is generally considered to be the world’s longest beach.
Location: Located about 32 km to the south of the famous tourist destination of Cox’s Bazar
1) Backdrop of lush green hills rising up on the east. 
2) The sea stretching out endlessly to the west.
3) Unusual shaped rock and coral boulders scattered lavishly in the beach and trough the sea.
4) Fringed with tall palm trees swaying gently in the breeze.
5) Seashells of different colors, shapes, and sizes are found along here.
6) Calm lagoon which is wonderful for the little ones to paddle in.
7) Getting on the rock & coral boulders with the waves washing up on the shore around you, will be an extremely therapeutic experience.
8) Beachcombing.
9) Shark free water is suitable for sea bathing.
Note: Every year numerous foreign and local tourists come here to spend their leisure in Inani Beach. However, it lacks several amenities that visitors can expect. It is wise to take a packed lunch and water with you when you visit the beach. But those people who have taken the time to explore the beach can testify that its beauty and cool breeze far outweighs anything it might be lacking in amenities. When visiting Inani Beach, ensure you have camera along to capture the amazing sight of the sun setting over the sea.

To know more about Cox's Bazar, Please visit : 
  1. www.coxs-bazar.com 
  2.  www.tourismboard.gov.bd

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